Effects of Globalisation in India


                          Globalisation is the interdependence of all the societies of the world to shape it a global village.


Forces driving the Achievement of Globalization:

1. Modernization
2. Liberalisation 
3. Industrialization 
4. Education and Technology Improvement 

Nature of Effects of Globalisation on the Indian Society:

a) It has dual nature of Positive and Negative effects. It is the development, preparedness and customisation ability of the society which curb the process of globalisation to harness maximum of its positive impacts.
b) It  has varring effects in terms of nature and degree over the different section of society. As is it evident in India, the educated and rich have been benefited, while the poors, illiterates and marginalized have encountered negative effects. Industries have particularly the service sector has witnessed rapid growth whereas Agriculture sector face the down trend. It has varring degree of effects on rural and urban society of India. The Urban sector has developed due to investment and industrialisation leaving the rural society on the government policies.

c) It has replicating and reflecting effects on the different components of the society. Example - The effect of globalisation on economy has in term of effect the Cultural framework which again in turn affect the political component of the society and it continues to affect each other like a Diamond Reflection Pattern. 
Effects has speed over every elements of society from economy to polity, from Family to community etc.

Effects of Globalisation: 

In the wake up of globalisation the various component of Indian society like economic, political, cultural, social, religious, technological has undergone major changes which are the affect of globalisation in the real sense. Although those changes have both the positive and negative consequences.

1. Effects on the Economy of Indian Society -

* The globalisation has brought a structural change in the economy. The agricultural sector which was dominent before the arrival of globalisation has come down to a concerning level while the consequence growth of manufacturing and service sector are also visible. One of the unique character of changes in the Indian society is the growth of service sector which jumps the highest level directly from agricultural to service where manufacturing sector was never at the top level.
* Rapid industrialisation and urbanisation.
* Opening of employment opportunities in both domestic and international market.
* Due to economic liberalisation, new type of corporate labour relationship emerge like contract system and outsourcing (formalization of labour).
* Integration of women in the mainstream economic activities who were earlier engaged in the care economy (feminization of labour).
* Some new concept of development emerged like Sustainable development, Inclusive growth, PPP model of investment, Corporate Social Responsibilities etc.
* In its negative effects, agricultural sector are left behind with little efforts and policies of its development. As a response, low productivity, degradation of cultivable land, food scarcity, farmer distress and suicide were consequences.
* Economic inequalities grow rapidly dividing the society into very rich and hungry. The unjust developmental strategies like discipline the tribal for industrialisation rest their rights over the forest and failure of land reform policy give rise to left wing extremist which is measure security thread today. 
* Arrival of foreign synthetic product in the Indian market led to the shutdown of Indian mills of Jute and Cotton & the other cottage industries which give rise to unemployment.

2. Social Effects of Globalisation in India -

* Due to urbanization and westernization as a result of globalisation, the social affinity among the people has lowered as a result of which social crime have increased. This is more pronounced in the urban society.
* As a result of migration to urban areas the joint family structure is lossing its importance and nuclear family is emerging.
* To keep pace with the globalisation and to hardness the fruits of this, the government has emphasized on the development of social structure like education, health, skill development etc. As a result of this, the level of education and capacity building has developed in this era of globalisation.
* Stratification of Society on the basis of caste lossing,  its importance in the wake of globalisation. However, politicisation of caste has come out as a problem where casteism are pushed to Secure Vote Bank. Caste has lost its identity in the social and professional sphere, however, it is still alive personal and religious affairs. Example - no marriage without pandits, exogamy is still on exception than a rule.
* Class best division of society has out placed caste based.
* In rural areas, Caste is still a major base of division.

3. Effects of Globalisation on the Indian Culture -

* There is a diffusion of western culture into Indian culture which is termed as globalisation.
* There is a considerable change in the food habits. Example -  More dependence on fast foods and junk foods which have changed the concern of hidden hunger in our society.
* The changing style of dressing sense shows the encroachment of western culture in our traditional society.
* Our taste in the music and musical instruments are changing. e.g - From classical music with instrument like Tabla, Have, and flutes to the Pop music with Guitar and Violins as the instrument. (Specifically to preserve classical music).
* Effect of Language - English has grown as a popular language with arrival of English medium schools in various part of the country. The higher studies particularly the technical education like engineering and medical are conducted exclusively in the English languages. The official language of Nagaland is English. This has given special edge and privilege to the Indians in the international market due to their good command in English language in one hand while the setbacks are depopularization and degrading importance of Hindi and other indigenous languages are major concern.
* The change in the corporate culture like 24 hours working into day and night shift has changed the lifestyle of the Indian people which is directly due to globalisation. This is major concerns is the health problems are coming out this changed lifestyle.
* Homogeneity / Americanisation & Preservation of cultural identity. Example - MacDonaldisation.
* Relocalisation - Revivalism of the local culture which was buried in the wake of globalisation.
* Universalisation of Culture - From rural to Urban, from one state to another.
* Rise of Barbarism as a negative impact of globalisation in culture.

4. Effects Globalisation on the Indian Polity -

* In the wake of globalisation and liberalisation policies, the government has to sacrifice the level of sovereignty it acquires before globalisation. The growing trend of deregulation of market and economic sphere is one such example. In one way, it is imperative to push the growth while this policies have the potential to adversely affect the sustainability and deregulation of ethical value in the economic spheres.
The growing economic inequalities and environment degradation is a major problem arising out of the liberal policies in the economy. This is being mitigated through the intervention of government through the other means like environmental clearance, corporate social responsibilities and direct help to  worker section through flagship programs.
* Greater emphasis over the political rights, freedom and human right issues have come across in the wake of globalisation.
* Transparency and Accountability in the governance is a major achievement in the wake of globalisation. Since, the people are now being educated and aware, they are demanding better services from the government. Somehow developments like RTI, Citizen Charters etc are outcomes of globalisation.
* The corruption and lobbying activities has penitrated into the political governance due to foreign investments which have initiated these mal- practices.
* The active role of media and social media and strong communication network has led to politically mobilize the man and thus various pressure group and informal association have emerged in the society. The demand for Jan-Lokpal by Anna movement is seen an example.
* Growth of e-Governance through internet. It has brought about relative transparency and smooth in the process of governance. However, digital divide is a hindrance in this process.
* Regional consequences have emerged due to discriminatory nature of development being achieved in the globalisation process. Various regional political movement and demands for autonomy and separate states have emerged. Several regional political parties have been formed with their regional demands and agenda. This has performed as a healthy political system through strong opposition in one hand while the instability of government form through coalition and its degradation of independence has impeded the process of development.

5. Globalisation & Technological Development of Indian Society -

* In the Global race of development India has emerged as a considerable player in the field of technological development and particularly in the 87 fields.
* There is a strong network of media and social media in our society which are serving for the development. However, these have also been connected with growing thread of security.
* Development in the field of space, bio-technology, information technology, nanotechnology, computer & robotics is a result of our integration into the Global system.
* India has a strong financial system supported by modern technology.
* Development of Indian society in the cyber space has benefited us through several ways like ok growth of employment opportunities, growth of knowledge market, service sector etc. Today, Cyber teaching, digital scales, and marketing etc have developed employment opportunities for the housewives & women who can work and earn through remain at home.
On the other hand the growing eventualities of cyber crime like cyber theft, cyber terrorism and cyber warfare are major concern for the security of our critical infrastructure which depends on the cyber-space.

6. Effects of Globalisation on Environment and Health in India -

* Environmental degradation and climate change has emerged as a major concern in our society which is direct outcome of globalisation and industrialisation.
* The uncontrolled emission of pollutants from industry are degrading the air qualities, water bodies and land beyond the recovery level.
* Deforestation and class of biodiversity is another issue related to industrial expansion. These are causes the vulnerability to disaster in the sensitive areas, e.g. urban flooding.
* The adversely affected environment coupled with wrong lifestyle being adopted by the people has called for the diseases and health problems. Diabetes Heart disease, lung disease, blood pressure are increasing with rapid rate in the Indian society.
* In medical sector, the advent of allopathy has caused the degradation of our indigenous medication system like Yoga, Ayurvedic and Naturopathy. The government policies like integration of AYUSH in the NRHM are step to consume the importance of these practices.

Impact of Globalisation on Agriculture  of India -

* Corporate and contract farming.
* Feminisation of agriculture.
* Changing pattern of agriculture.
* Under WTO norms, IPR issues have risen (in the case of Monsanto for cotton).
* Increasing focus of Government on agriculture sector.

Impact of  Globalisation on the Indian Women -

* Role of women shifted from supportive to mentor or guidance to the children.
* Participation of women in different fields have increased. Decision making role and participation have changed.
* Health status of women have grown well.
* Women literacy have increased.
* Freedom and emancipation have increased.

Negative Impact on Women -

* Objectification of women has increased.
* Violence and harassment has increased.
* Individualization of women in the family affecting the future of children.
* Late marriage and reduction of fertility.

Impact of Globalisation on  Middle Class of India -

* Function of middle class has enormously changed.
* This class is highly changed oriented, so the society has become changed oriented.
* Middle class has preserved the culture.
* Consumerism has increased.
* Political dynamism and growth of regional parties due to rise of middle class.

Major Challenges in India arising out in the era of Globalisation -

* Economic inequalities and development divide leading to spread of extremism.
* Loss of indigenous industries and products.
* Extinction of cultural values like music, arts and handicrafts.
* Growth of regionalism, fundamentalism living nationalism at the back foot.
* Corruption and mal-administration.
* Environmental degradation and culture changes.
* Health problems and issue of hidden hunger.
* Degradation of importance of indigenous medical system like Yoga & Ayurveda.
* Digital divide.
* Threat to neo-colonialism.
* Security concern.
* Safety and security of women.
* Degradation of agricultural sector.
* Increasing crimes in the urban areasI.
* Population control and capacity building

Impact of globalisation neither totally positive nor totally negative. It has synthesis of both. Thus, globalisation has touched and left an imprint on each sphere of life.

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